Introducing Revelations Big 3!

Christ Sent Us A Most Precious Message! 

·  The three angels of Revelation are of the deepest significance to God’s faithful people in these last days... (Revelation 14:6-12)

·  God sent the message of these 3 angels to prepare His people for the 2nd coming of Christ! There are at least 5 parties involved in this delivery process: Jesus the One who sent the message, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd messengers that carry the message and the world to whom this message is addressed.

·  It is Jesus who commissioned the preaching of the gospel (His power) into all the world... (Matthew 28:19-20, Romans 1:15-16)

·  The 1st angel carries that everlasting gospel message of power into the entire world. This gospel alone brings “the end” or “the harvest” as predicted by Jesus... (Matthew 24:14 & 13:39, Revelation 14:14-15)

·  The world must then respond to this message. We can choose either to receive or to reject the POWER that Jesus has sent. This creates two classes of people in this world... (John 3:16-17, Titus 2:11-15, John 10:25-27)

·  The 2nd Angel announces the spiritual condition of all those who have rejected the 1st Angel’s gospel. They are announced to be “fallen.” How is it that they are in a fallen spiritual condition? It is because they rejected the only POWER to make them stand and give them victory over sin...Hosea 14:1 & 9, Jude 24 (Those who stand... Revelation 6:17 & 14:1)

·  The 3rd Angel “followed them.” His message is not separate but connected. The 3 are one whole message, each part necessary in these last days. It is the 3rd angel that announces. The final judgments and declares the distinction between those who “WORSHIP THE BEAST” (a direct rejection of the 1st Angel’s call to WORSHIP THE CREATOR...see Rev. 14:6-7) and those who finally “keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus!”

Note: the bearers of this message are at war with the beast power (Rev. 13:4). Their message is addressed to those over whom the beast was given dominion (Rev. 13:6-8). Only those who carry this message will overcome the beast, his mark & number.

·  Both the 2nd and 3rd angels declare the final results of either accepting or rejecting that which the 1st angel brought to us: “the everlasting gospel!” We’ll focus on his message specifically for the duration of our study (keep in mind this is only an introduction to the three and there is much, much more to be studied here. All of which God’s children need in these last days).

The 1st Angel Brings the Everlasting Gospel!

·  The acceptance of what this angel brings (the gospel) is in fact a matter of eternal interests! Salvation hangs in the balance... (Mark 16:15-16)

·  The Apostle Paul warned us that there would be false gospels, counterfeits in these last days just as there were in his day... (Galatians 1:6-9)

·  Notice that the true gospel is not something we can be saved without. If we reject it, whatever it is, we shall be lost... (1 Thessalonians 5:21, 2 Corinthians 4:3)

·  The only true Gospel, He whom we cannot be saved without is Jesus Christ Himself... (Romans 1:16, 1 Corinthians 1:23-24, Acts 4:12)

·  In bringing to us “the everlasting Gospel,” the 1st Angel has brought to us a Personthe Man Christ Jesus! Jesus has approached us and “all them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, kindred, and tongue and people,” through the 1st Angel’s message. Our treatment of this message testifies if there is any love for Jesus in us! This angel uplifts Christ as the sinner’s only hope, “the power of God” to save men. He presents Him to us in a most precious and solemn context.   

The Hour of His Judgment: 

·      In directing our attention to the judgment, the 1st Angel directs our attention to two facts: we are to be judged by God’s commandments and Jesus is OUR PERSONAL ADVOCATE, OUR LAWYER, OUR HELP AND FRIEND IN THAT JUDGMENT...(James 2:10-12 & 8, 1 John 12:1-4)

·      When does the judgment of God take place according to the Bible? The Bible teaches that the judgment of His people must occur BEFORE He returns. It is before He returns that He prepares their place, making sure they are fit for heaven (John 14:1-4 & 2 Pet. 3:13) and when He returns it is TO REWARD THEM ACCORDING TO WHAT IS ALREADY JUDGED... (Revelation 22:11-12)

·      It takes Jesus, as a dying Lamb and as a living Priest to prepare a people to stand in the judgment hour. Notice the angel did not say that the judgment “is coming” but “IS COME!” (More on this to come)...(Revelation 14:7)

·      It is no secret that the beast is going to MARK his followers, a symbol of his authority and rule in their lives. God too is Marking/Sealing a people. Which mark are you preparing for?... (Ezekiel 9:1-6)


Preparing a People to Stand


Have I Committed the Unpardonable Sin?”